Talking with your children about their conception and birth is
not a one-time event; it’s a process. Young children who don’t
understand reproduction can only absorb the simplest concepts (For
example, “Mommy and daddy wanted a baby and a very nice woman
helped us have you.”) Even as children grow older and more
knowledgeable, the full effect of their origins seems to dawn gradually
– perhaps in response to a “family tree” assignment
in school, or a remark made on the playground.
At every stage, experts say, the most important thing parents can
do is to convey information and answer children’s questions
in a loving, factual, and confident way.
it comes to telling your children … you do choke up, you do
get emotional, you do worry: is this child really going to be mine?
I’ve worked so hard and here she is; is she mine? Practicing
helps you get through it.”
— Elaine Gordon, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist
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